What is an Earlobe Repair?
A torn earlobe is a quite common problem. Earlobe repair is a procedure in which Dr. McClellan repairs a tear that may be partially or completely through the earlobe.
See an Earlobe performed by Dr. McClellan
Watch Dr. McClellan perform an Earlobe Repair in the YouTube video below.
Simply click on the picture.
Who gets earlobes repaired?
Torn earlobes can happen to men and women of all ages. Here is a brief list of who gets their earlobes repaired and why:
Children will often play in their parent’s jewelry and a heavy dangly earring can easily pull through a child’s ear.
Likewise, small children may also grab and pull at their parent’s earrings causing the earring to go through the ear.
Sports injuries also cause a great number of earlobe injuries.
As you age, your lobes may become stretched from years of wearing heavy earrings and you may wish to have them repaired for cosmetic purposes.
A small number of our patients may have had their lobes stretched in order to accommodate decorative gauges.
Is this procedure covered by insurance?
This is a cosmetic procedure and will not be covered by your insurance.
What can I expect for Surgery and Recovery?
Earlobe repair is a small enough procedure that Dr. McClellan actually performs it in our office in the procedure room. The repair generally takes about an hour under local anesthetic; and the pain is very minimal. We will see you back about 5 to 6 days after the procedure for suture removal. Three months after your repair Dr. McClellan may re-pierce your ears if you wish.
What should I expect at my consultation?
For an ear lobe consultation you should allow at least 30 minutes in our office. You may come to the office 15 minutes early and fill out the necessary forms. During your consultation, Dr. McClellan will do a physical examination, explain the procedure and answer any questions that you may have. It is often helpful to have a list of questions that you would like answered, with you, so that you ask everything that you would like.
After you meet with Dr. McClellan you will be escorted to Becky Miller’s office. She is our patient coordinator and will provide you with a quote for the surgery as well as give you information about what financing options are available. As the patient coordinator, Becky makes every effort to ensure that you are ready and feel comfortable prior to your surgery. She is available every business day to answer any questions that you may have after your initial consultation.